3238 Corinth Avenue

New Garden on the 2010 tour! Click here to see the gardens that will open for the tour.

This garden was designed by Justin Winston who is particularly interested in designing drought tolerant gardens featuring native plants and will be on hand to answer questions the day of the tour. It was installed by Pacific View Landscape just three months ago.

The gardens (front and back) are drought resistant, as are the lawns. They planted Eureka Hard Fescue and overseeded with Pipolina Microclover that acts as a natural fertilizer.

There are also four dwarf fruit trees in the back (naval orange, meyer lemon, avocado and apple) and two raised areas for vegetables, as yet unplanted.

There is a newly installed sprinkler system. With the recent rains, the plants have not needed irrigation at all and the lawns were watered only because they were newly seeded.