2822 Barry Ave

These homeowners are pioneers in the sustainable living movement, having designed and maintained this climate-appropriate, blower-free garden for over twenty years. The garden is composed primarily of California Natives, Edibles and Succulents. It’s nice to know that, despite reducing water consumption by more than 50%, they still enjoy their nine rose bushes, watering by hose and watering can when needed.

They always have a good deal of wildlife, but some notable additions have been an ongoing display of Monarch butterflies with the addition of the milkweed plant. Visitors include a variety of birds including hummingbirds, ladybugs, bees, squirrels, a few possums and the occasional raccoon visit.

Their soil has benefited greatly from twenty years of composting. They will be happy to answer your questions, although the composting areas, in the back, will not be visible during the tour.

Photo credit: Martin & Joan Rubin