3243 Mountain View Ave

This garden has been a loving process of playing in the dirt for many years

The homeowners ripped out the lawn and put in gravel, way before it was 'in vogue' to do so. Then they slowly added organic fruits, vegetables & self seeding spring flowers to coincide with the cyclical climate changes in Southern California's desert. It will be in full, spring bloom for the garden tour...not at all what it looks like by summer's end when there is no rain what-so-ever and it goes into complete drought tolerant mode. Everything except the fruit trees go without water for the final months of summer, before the California 'winter' rains set in.

So, this garden is very seasonal with three distinctly different looks.

  • Spring- with annual flowers like a hardy variety of sweet pea, roses in full bloom and a vegetable bounty such as artichokes, green onions, strawberries, beans and potatoes for the nitrogen added to the soil.
  • Summer - with all annual flowers gone, showing the succulents and blue tuft grasses covered over by spring flowers and some roses will still bloom. They pretty much let the roses hibernate and often cut them back late summer for the intense heat of late summers in California.
  • Winter- when everything gets cut back and/or dug up. Horse manure and natural mulch is added for looks and goodness. Only the baby seedlings of annuals, tuft grasses and succulents can be seen with the odd rose that will sprout back and bloom early.

They have a love of rocks, rock inuksuks and that whole natural wild look, which is very evident throughout the garden. As well as being artists, the owners play with their rocks a lot, creating different textures and pathways alongside drought tolerant or cactus potted plants all mixed into the whole garden space.
This garden is their Zen and they are an active hands-on participant in it, so there is always something morphing or changing.

You can view more garden photos here and in their blog.