3527 Greenwood Avenue

About 5 years ago these homeowners started with a simple need for a bigger driveway. One thing led to another and eventually they created an oasis of sustainable plantings and water capture. Inspired by examples from other gardens they had toured, they decided to convert the property into works of art/secret rooms/outdoor living spaces/a slice of sustainable paradise. Here are a few of the details…you can get the full picture when you visit their home.

The flagstone walkway adjacent to the driveway allows water to seep into the soil rather than run off into the street. Decomposed granite was used in various areas of the front and back yard, which allowed the homeowner to eliminate their grass. Gullies, dug in various spots in the yard, serve as catch basins for the water to percolate back to the water table. A rain barrel was also installed in the backyard. Most of the garden is filled with new or repurposed succulents. Various groundcovers were used (sedums, dymonia) to fill in the open spaces.

There is a secret patio on the house side of a large berm, created with dirt excavated to create the driveway. It is slightly below grade to catch a little run off. A palo verde tree will eventually shade the patio and front windows. The patio is screened from the driveway with a cluster of vibrant colored (purple/orange/green) pots. Australian tea trees along the property line provide a living light privacy screen.

In addition to the succulents there are a wide variety of drought-tolerant grasses. When the flowers are in bloom there are lots of bees and butterfly to show that spring is alive in Mar Vista!

LA Stormwater will be a guest presenter at this booth with information on their water capture programs. Visitors will also be given a free reusable bag.