Thank You for an Amazing Tour!

Photo courtesy of Archie's Garden

Thank you for joining us on the 3rd annual Mar Vista Green Garden Showcase! The tour was a huge success, with thousands of people visiting Mar Vista to join us as neighbors met neighbors and we inspired each other with ways to live more sustainably. We shared examples and tips about drought resistant landscaping, edible gardens, composting techniques, water capture and even chickens! It was so much fun – you could turn just about any corner in Mar Vista and find people walking and biking down our streets, maps in hand as we went from garden to garden. Thank you to the many volunteers that made  it such a huge success!

The great news is, it doesn’t need to end! The gardens and maps will be posted on our blog for the rest of the year. Come back anytime and use them to plan a nice afternoon walk or bike ride. See all of the gardens on the 2011 tour here. You can find the mapped walking tours and a little history of Mar Vista here.

We had a lot of great press!
The Argonaut
Emily Green in the LA Times The Dry Garden
Preview garden 5N in this LA Times feature by Lisa Boone
Fresh Dirt - Sunset Magazine by Sharon Cohoon-gardens 5F, 5B &5M

There are several map options -
Bike Map – this is a cool bike route created by Alex Thompson for Bikeside
Google maps of the six different areas - Map 1, Map 2, Map 3, Map 4, Map 5, Map 6
Make your own tour using this master Google Mar Vista Green Garden Map
You can print out the maps that were published for the tour - PDF of Maps 1 - 4, PDF of Maps 5 - 6 (note – these require creating a sign in account)

Want to be on the tour next year? Write to us at or