3430 Veteran Avenue

The homeowners started this garden—christened Sundara Rustic Garden—8 years ago as a water conserving. Their goal was to provide variation of color, textures and size using all drought resistant plants, with a focus on California natives. Our local San Gabriel Mountains inspired poppy reseeding and spreading of a natural landscape.

A perennial glabrous eye stunner called the Matilija poppy is the most recent addition. Its fluttering crepe-like white petals and the central cluster of bright yellow stamens reaches 6-12 inches across. Thousands of poppy seeds have reseeded over the past 8 years, making each Spring more breathtaking then the previous year

Wildlife has changed. Many more Hummingbirds visite in spite of the garden mascot "Marlow," a cat who likes to welcome anyone who ventures into her beloved garden.

The owners water inconsistently, with anywhere from two to three weeks between watering and spend just enough on maintenance time to keep the grass and weed levels down..

Sundara Rustic Garden welcomes you warmly to enjoy a beautiful palette of plant eye candy.